Watched Oprah with Kate Winslet as her guest..
Kate said that she was very stress and felt that she failed to be a woman, just because she couldn't labor vaginally, i.e need cesarean surgery, after 36 hours process of labor.
Of course Oprah cried: why did you feel that you have failed?
Watched Dorce Show with Dr. Utami Rusli as her/his guest, the topic was breast milk. Dorce said that every mother have to give her child her breastmilk, if the mother couldn't give her child breastmilk then the mother categorized as unresponsible mother. How dare she (or he?) said that! Thankfully there was a good Doctor as guest, that could explain that not every mother could give her child her breast milk, even if she wants to, and not because she's not a responsible mother. Breast feeding is a complex thing.
Frankly, i'm still upset with Dorce's statement about it. But then, yeeh.. why should i? Wasting my precious energy.. maybe she (or he?) said that because she (or he? it is confusing..) didn't know it scientifically, need to read a lot bout the topic before acted as a host in tv shows i think.
And yes, some people think that a woman is fail to be a woman if she can't labor her child vaginally and/or breast feeding her child. And that out of date-old fashion-stupid- frame of mind still attach to almost everybody in this office, even the women.. wooo...
Lots of reasons why should a woman need a cesarean surgery.. maybe because she had trauma, maybe because her medical record doesn't allow her to labor normally, maybe because she couldnt take the pain of labor vaginally, maybe because the position of the baby or else.. but for some people i know, those reasons are "bisa-bisanya dokter aja biar dapet duit banyak".. well?
Upset me? of course, but not for long time, since i know exactly the reason why they acted like orang yang tinggal di pedalaman yang ke bidan aja takut.. the magic thing : money... hehe.. kayaknya lebih suka kesakitan yang mungkin tak berujung, lebih suka nanggung resiko kehilangan nyawa daripada bayar dua kali lipat lebih banyak untuk operasi, walaupun dokter2 udah menganjurkan itu.. untungnya sampe saat ini belum ada tuh yang kehilangan nyawa, tapi yang hampir2 sih banyak.. belum yang ujung2nya ada komplikasi.. weeh.. repot..
ya, tau sendiri, susah kan merubah pola pikir orang?! hehe.. ya sudahlah... yang pasti ga ada perempuan yang gagal untuk jadi perempuan seutuhnya walaupun dia ga melahirkan dengan cara normal, i.e. vaginally... kalo bisa normal ya sukur, tapi kalo udah diusahakan trus ga bisa, trus mau gimana?
gagal jd cewe itu kata ku mah kalo dia pindah haluan jd seorang cowo hhihihi, ata dia ngambil posisi jd seorang suami ????? hihihi
menurutku 1-1nya orang yg boleh nentuin gagal/berhasilnya dia jadi perempuan ya dirinya sendiri. i think each person, regardless of her/his sex, must set up his/her own standard and not be bothered with other people's.
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