Dulu pernah kenal orang yang bawaannya bikin aku keseeel terus, padahal dia ga ngapa2in.. ga tau kenapa kehadirannya itu membuat aku sebel.. dan lucunya ada juga orang lain yang merasakan hal itu pada orang yang sama.. hihi.. mungkin orang itu punya aura jelek, ato tepatnya aura ngeselin. hehe.. ada ga sih sebenernya aura model gitu?
Eh, akhir2 ini aku ketemu lagi sama orang model begitu. Bedanya, kalo dulu sebenernya orangnya baek & pinter, jadi kalo aku kesel atas kehadirannya it must be karena aura ngeselin yang dia pancarkan.. hihi. keukeuh.. Kalo yang ini sih emang ternyata ngeselin (kalo kata temenku yang sebel bgt sama dia, orang ini ga punya attitude. nah lo). Kalo aku sih lebih suka menyebut dia sebagai orang yang ga mampu bayar pembantu. Jadi kalo bisa nyuruh2 orang gratisan, pasti dimanfaatkan sebaik2nya.. Misalnya, nebeng mobil temen, maka dia akan memper-supirkan si temen yang empunya mobil tadi itu.. heran, udah nebeng ga tau diri. Tapi trus relief juga, ngapain ribut sama orang model gini, udah jelas2an ga mampu punya supir, biarin aja lah.. hihi..
Sebelumnya, sempet juga tuh bawaannya mau ribuut aja sama orang ini, tapi trus seorang temenku yang temperamental itu tanya, orangnya kayak gimana sih sehari2nya.. (padahal dia udah napsu bgt, mukanya udah merah bgt liat tingkah si non ini) aku jelasin sedikit aja dia komen, "ooh stupid person ya? kalo gitu biarin aja, don't waste our precious energy. ga ngaruh juga ngomelin orang model begitu.."
iya juga sih.. hihihi...
Ternyata orangnya emang ngeselin ya, bukan karena bawaannya bikin aku kesel. Tapi aku denger suaranya aja (padahal dia ngomong sesuatu yang serius sama orang lain dengan bahasa yang sopan) tetep aja bikin aku kesel.. apalagi liat orangnya.. hihi.. sentimen bgt ya diriku.. ga boleh gitu dong neng..
Yah, akhirnya aku menghindar dari dia aja deh, mana tiap hari ketemu lagi.. kenapa aku yang merasa terganggu tapi aku kudu yang mengalah ya? mungkin ini yang namanya mengalah untuk menang.. hihi. gila bener, makin lama makin ngawur. kali karena ujan gede diluar sana. udah pake kemeja tangan panjang ga digulung, pake blazer tebel, pake kaos kaki tetep aja kedinginan.. heran..
A little bit of my daily life........ A little thought that pop up of my head..
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Indescribable Feeling
Dua hari yang lalu my sunshine tidur malemnya gelisah terus. dikit2 nangis, dikit2 kebangun, ga tau kenapa. Akhirnya aku gendong juga, langsung nemplok deh, trus aku bisikin macem2 cerita di telinga mungilnya yang lucu itu.. bobo deh.. setiap bangun dan liat mukaku yang cuman berjarak 5 senti ke mukanya, dan merasa kalo dia dipeluk aku, dia pasti senyum, trus bobo lagi.. begitu terus sampe satu jam, baru bener2 pules. baru bisa bobo di box nya sampe pagi...
tadi malem juga begitu...
duh.. susah bgt sih mendeskripsikan perasaan yang aku alamin. gimanaaa gitu...
kayaknya my sunshine merasa aman & nyaman bgt dipeluk aku, sampe2 dia maunya bobo kalo dipeluk aku dulu....
pantesan kata orang ada bayi itu menambah kebahagiaan ya.. tiap hari ada aja yang bikin kita bahagia..
terima kasih sayang..
tadi malem juga begitu...
duh.. susah bgt sih mendeskripsikan perasaan yang aku alamin. gimanaaa gitu...
kayaknya my sunshine merasa aman & nyaman bgt dipeluk aku, sampe2 dia maunya bobo kalo dipeluk aku dulu....
pantesan kata orang ada bayi itu menambah kebahagiaan ya.. tiap hari ada aja yang bikin kita bahagia..
terima kasih sayang..
My big boss is an Indian, and so he often speaks english rather than bahasa.. and for my self, it would be better to hear/listen to him speak in english; since his bahasa is so limited in vocabulary... and there is a funny misundersanding.. and this is real story
The big boss called the office boy come to his room, he handed the ob a key and said, "give me two copies ya.."
the ob took the key, and asked, "two coffee sir?
the big boss answer, "ya ya, two copies ya.. cepat ya.."
then, 5 minutes later the ob came back with 2 cups of coffee...
Boss:"hei, siapa suruh buat saya kopi dua-dua ya?"
OB:"mister kan minta 2 kopi tadi"
one more...
A staff get a memo from the boss "Come to see me"
the staff go to the boss' room, knock the door, open the door and look inside the boss'room, close the door and leave back to his table.
then he heard his phone rung.. oh the boss called, "hei, kenapa ya kamu buka pintu kamar saya terus tutup lagi? you have received my memo right? you have come to see me."
the staff answer, "iya pak, kan saya tadi ke kamar bapak. saya kan sudah lihat bapak tadi.."
The big boss called the office boy come to his room, he handed the ob a key and said, "give me two copies ya.."
the ob took the key, and asked, "two coffee sir?
the big boss answer, "ya ya, two copies ya.. cepat ya.."
then, 5 minutes later the ob came back with 2 cups of coffee...
Boss:"hei, siapa suruh buat saya kopi dua-dua ya?"
OB:"mister kan minta 2 kopi tadi"
one more...
A staff get a memo from the boss "Come to see me"
the staff go to the boss' room, knock the door, open the door and look inside the boss'room, close the door and leave back to his table.
then he heard his phone rung.. oh the boss called, "hei, kenapa ya kamu buka pintu kamar saya terus tutup lagi? you have received my memo right? you have come to see me."
the staff answer, "iya pak, kan saya tadi ke kamar bapak. saya kan sudah lihat bapak tadi.."
Friday, November 25, 2005
Cape bgt.. abis latihan evakuasi kebakaran, turun pake tangga darurat deh, lumayan 10 lantai ke bawah.. pegeeeel.. di bawah di sediain minum sama coklat wafer sama building management, eh sama ucapan terima kasih telah berpartisipasi.. hihihi..
perasaan dulu coklatnya coklat impor yang isinya macem2 itu deh.. trus taun kemaren konsumsinya kue2 basah jajan pasar yang pake tampah itu.. trus 6 bulan yang lalu aku ga ikutan karena lagi hamil (asiik..hehe..).. sekarang coklat wafer..
makin turun aja konsumsinya.. hihi..
perasaan dulu coklatnya coklat impor yang isinya macem2 itu deh.. trus taun kemaren konsumsinya kue2 basah jajan pasar yang pake tampah itu.. trus 6 bulan yang lalu aku ga ikutan karena lagi hamil (asiik..hehe..).. sekarang coklat wafer..
makin turun aja konsumsinya.. hihi..
Thursday, November 24, 2005
Anakku sayang,
maafin mama ya udah melahirkan kamu di dunia yang edan ini, yang penuh prasangka buruk & kebencian...
maafin mama ya udah melahirkan kamu di dunia yang edan ini, yang penuh prasangka buruk & kebencian...
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Sterilize bottles for baby?
My daughter is four months old. How old does she have to be before I can stop boiling her bottles to sterilize them?
The short answer to your question is you can stop now. It is not necessary to sterilize bottles, nipples, or formula.
To understand recommendations on whether to sterilize or not, it is important to realize the history of why sterilization was necessary in the past. In the 17th and 18th century there was a very high mortality rate for infants fed cow's milk. When pasteurization became available, technology allowed for sterile condensed milk to be used for infant feeding. However, during this time, the public water supplies remained largely unmonitored and formula was usually made in batches and left unrefrigerated, Thus, bacterial contamination tended to be a problem. Therefore, it became commonplace to sterilize the water, bottles and nipples. However, by the 1950s, city water supplies became much better monitored and free of bacterial contamination.
Studies were done back in the 1950s, which showed that babies could be safely fed formula made with clean (not sterile) bottles/nipples and tap water. However, by then, sterilization was so commonplace that it was difficult for doctors to stop recommending the practice to their patients, and it was also difficult for grandmothers to stop recommending it to their daughters.
In summary, formula prepared with city-treated tap water in the U.S. is as safe as sterilized formula. United States water from wells, cisterns or other sources should probably be sterilized by boiling for at least 10 minutes, plus one additional minute for every 1,000 feet of your city's elevation.
begitulah yang aku baca di salah satu rubrik konsultasi.. wah cocok bgt dong sama aku..
dan kemudian Richard Steele MD menjawab bgini..:
The short answer to your question is you can stop now. It is not necessary to sterilize bottles, nipples, or formula.
To understand recommendations on whether to sterilize or not, it is important to realize the history of why sterilization was necessary in the past. In the 17th and 18th century there was a very high mortality rate for infants fed cow's milk. When pasteurization became available, technology allowed for sterile condensed milk to be used for infant feeding. However, during this time, the public water supplies remained largely unmonitored and formula was usually made in batches and left unrefrigerated, Thus, bacterial contamination tended to be a problem. Therefore, it became commonplace to sterilize the water, bottles and nipples. However, by the 1950s, city water supplies became much better monitored and free of bacterial contamination.
Studies were done back in the 1950s, which showed that babies could be safely fed formula made with clean (not sterile) bottles/nipples and tap water. However, by then, sterilization was so commonplace that it was difficult for doctors to stop recommending the practice to their patients, and it was also difficult for grandmothers to stop recommending it to their daughters.
In summary, formula prepared with city-treated tap water in the U.S. is as safe as sterilized formula. United States water from wells, cisterns or other sources should probably be sterilized by boiling for at least 10 minutes, plus one additional minute for every 1,000 feet of your city's elevation.
..... sebel ternyata cuman berlaku di amrik ya? di indo mah ga bisa deh, wong aer pam aja kadang butek gitu kok.. huh..
Monday, November 21, 2005
Never thought flu could be such a big issue (disregard the avian flu in the air these days).
Last week end happened to be the flu week end in my home, since my hubb just recovered from flu, then i got flu, followed by my sunshine's nany.. so then, almost all people my sunshine looking at using a mask covering nose and mouth..
and then, all of the people in my home should be take a vitamin c every morning to prevent from the flu.. actually to prevent my sunshine from flu...
heboh heboh.. hehehe...
Last week end happened to be the flu week end in my home, since my hubb just recovered from flu, then i got flu, followed by my sunshine's nany.. so then, almost all people my sunshine looking at using a mask covering nose and mouth..
and then, all of the people in my home should be take a vitamin c every morning to prevent from the flu.. actually to prevent my sunshine from flu...
heboh heboh.. hehehe...
Sunday, November 20, 2005
Adapted from an article by Leslie Neilson, San Francisco Chronicle
Proper wrapping is one key to freezing food successfully.
Here are some helpful tips on freezing and defrosting foods:
Use airtight rigid containers, plastic freezer bags or freezer wraps,
such as heavy-duty foil or freezer paper. Remember to ``burp'' all
lids and tightly seal, removing all air from bags.
The colder the food is to start, the faster it will freeze and the
better it will maintain its original quality.
Follow the ``first in, first out'' policy. Use a permanent marker to
write the date on the food when you freeze it. Place the new food
under food already in the freezer and use the older foods first.
Lasagna, casseroles, soups and stews can be easily frozen and stored
for several weeks to months in airtight containers. Remove the food
from the oven or stove and allow it to cool completely.
Casseroles: If the food is in a casserole dish or if the amount is
small, allow it to cool at room temperature for 30 to 45 minutes
before freezing. Otherwise, cool the food in the refrigerator.
Soups and stews: Ideally, freeze soup bases (the soup before the
addition of all the liquid) rather than finished soups. Chill the
soup base or finished soup in small portions in airtight containers
for up to six months.
Finished cream soups, chowders or bisques cannot be frozen, but the
bases of these soups, before milk or cream is added, can be frozen.
Add milk or cream when reheating the soup. (Reheat gently over low
heat to avoid curdling.)
Soups with a potato base often become grainy after defrosting. For
best results, make the soup base and add the potato puree when
reheating the soup.
Soups with beans, such as pinto or navy, freeze well for three to six
For best results, freeze the meat and vegetables from stews
separately in airtight containers. Combine them when reheating,
adding liquid as needed.
Cool soups and stews quickly by transferring them to tall-sided
containers and placing the containers into an ice bath in the sink.
Once cooked foods are cool, transfer soups and stews to a rigid
airtight container and freeze; place plastic or freezer wrap onto
casserole or lasagna, followed by heavy-duty foil. (This prevents
foil from sticking to food when it's defrosted.
Leftover rice freezes well in an airtight container for up to one
year. Frozen rice may be reheated without defrosting.
Baked potatoes freeze well. Once cool, wrap tightly in plastic wrap
and heavy-duty foil. Fried potatoes and potato gratins may be frozen
for up to three months.
Allow one to three days to completely defrost frozen foods in the
refrigerator. To refresh defrosted prepared foods, add fresh herbs,
grated cheese or bread crumbs to a dish before reheating it.
Unprepared foods that may be frozen include:
Poultry: Remove chicken from its market wrapping. Rinse the bird and
dry it well. Truss the chicken, if desired. Double-wrap the bird with
plastic wrap, then heavy-duty foil or freezer bag. Freeze for three
to six months.
Meat: Remove meat from its market wrapping. Pat dry with a paper
towel. Wrap meat in airtight freezer wrap and/or freezer bags in
recipe-size portions to allow for even-freezing. Wrap each piece
individually to prevent pieces from sticking to one another.
Seafood: Whole, cleaned and dressed fish may be frozen in a freezer
bag with enough water to completely surround the fish. Carefully
remove all the air from the bag, seal tightly and freeze. Shellfish
should be placed in an airtight freezer bag before freezing.
Fruits and vegetables: Most fruit turns mushy in the freezer;
however, blueberries, raspberries and cranberries freeze well. Spread
berries in one layer on a baking sheet and freeze for 15 to 30
minutes. Transfer to an airtight freezer bag and return to the
Vegetables should be perfectly ripe for optimum freezing. Blanch
vegetables prior to freezing to set their color and retain their
There are two methods for blanching vegetables:
Steam blanching: Trim the vegetables, removing any excess leaves or
unwanted pieces. Use a bamboo steamer over a pot of boiling water or
a steaming basket and pot. Blanch vegetables and plunge immediately
into an ice bath. Once cool, remove vegetables and spread onto paper
towels to dry.
Water blanching: Prepare the vegetables as described above. Boil a
gallon of unsalted water for every pound of vegetables. Immerse the
vegetables in the water using a mesh basket or blanching basket.
Plunge vegetables into an ice bath to cool. Remove vegetables and
spread onto paper towels to dry.
Portion the vegetables into airtight plastic freezer bags, remove all
air and freeze.
Dairy: Semi-firm to firm cheeses generally freeze well (cheddar,
Swiss, provolone, mozzarella, Parmesan). Cut the cheese into small
portions and wrap it very tightly before placing it in the freezer.
Unsalted butter may be frozen for nine to 12 months; margarine for
five months.
Milk, cream and eggs do not freeze well.
Fresh herbs: There is some debate as to whether herbs should be
blanched before freezing. If blanching, use hearty herbs that are
still on the stalk for best results.
Wash delicate herbs such as basil, dill, chives and tarragon. Pat
them dry on paper towels and freeze in small portions in airtight
freezer bags.
Frozen herbs will darken and become limp when thawed, so add them
directly to food you are cooking.
Thaw all unprepared foods in the refrigerator. If necessary, run
frozen food under cold water or use a microwave oven.
Cold water: Keep the frozen food wrapped and place it either in the
sink or in a deep container. Allow cold water to run over the product
until thawed. Defrosting time will vary.
Microwave oven: Do not defrost any foil-wrapped food in the
microwave. For foods wrapped in plastic wrap, follow microwave
manufacturer's instructions for defrosting.
Adapted from an article by Leslie Neilson, San Francisco Chronicle
Proper wrapping is one key to freezing food successfully.
Here are some helpful tips on freezing and defrosting foods:
Use airtight rigid containers, plastic freezer bags or freezer wraps,
such as heavy-duty foil or freezer paper. Remember to ``burp'' all
lids and tightly seal, removing all air from bags.
The colder the food is to start, the faster it will freeze and the
better it will maintain its original quality.
Follow the ``first in, first out'' policy. Use a permanent marker to
write the date on the food when you freeze it. Place the new food
under food already in the freezer and use the older foods first.
Lasagna, casseroles, soups and stews can be easily frozen and stored
for several weeks to months in airtight containers. Remove the food
from the oven or stove and allow it to cool completely.
Casseroles: If the food is in a casserole dish or if the amount is
small, allow it to cool at room temperature for 30 to 45 minutes
before freezing. Otherwise, cool the food in the refrigerator.
Soups and stews: Ideally, freeze soup bases (the soup before the
addition of all the liquid) rather than finished soups. Chill the
soup base or finished soup in small portions in airtight containers
for up to six months.
Finished cream soups, chowders or bisques cannot be frozen, but the
bases of these soups, before milk or cream is added, can be frozen.
Add milk or cream when reheating the soup. (Reheat gently over low
heat to avoid curdling.)
Soups with a potato base often become grainy after defrosting. For
best results, make the soup base and add the potato puree when
reheating the soup.
Soups with beans, such as pinto or navy, freeze well for three to six
For best results, freeze the meat and vegetables from stews
separately in airtight containers. Combine them when reheating,
adding liquid as needed.
Cool soups and stews quickly by transferring them to tall-sided
containers and placing the containers into an ice bath in the sink.
Once cooked foods are cool, transfer soups and stews to a rigid
airtight container and freeze; place plastic or freezer wrap onto
casserole or lasagna, followed by heavy-duty foil. (This prevents
foil from sticking to food when it's defrosted.
Leftover rice freezes well in an airtight container for up to one
year. Frozen rice may be reheated without defrosting.
Baked potatoes freeze well. Once cool, wrap tightly in plastic wrap
and heavy-duty foil. Fried potatoes and potato gratins may be frozen
for up to three months.
Allow one to three days to completely defrost frozen foods in the
refrigerator. To refresh defrosted prepared foods, add fresh herbs,
grated cheese or bread crumbs to a dish before reheating it.
Unprepared foods that may be frozen include:
Poultry: Remove chicken from its market wrapping. Rinse the bird and
dry it well. Truss the chicken, if desired. Double-wrap the bird with
plastic wrap, then heavy-duty foil or freezer bag. Freeze for three
to six months.
Meat: Remove meat from its market wrapping. Pat dry with a paper
towel. Wrap meat in airtight freezer wrap and/or freezer bags in
recipe-size portions to allow for even-freezing. Wrap each piece
individually to prevent pieces from sticking to one another.
Seafood: Whole, cleaned and dressed fish may be frozen in a freezer
bag with enough water to completely surround the fish. Carefully
remove all the air from the bag, seal tightly and freeze. Shellfish
should be placed in an airtight freezer bag before freezing.
Fruits and vegetables: Most fruit turns mushy in the freezer;
however, blueberries, raspberries and cranberries freeze well. Spread
berries in one layer on a baking sheet and freeze for 15 to 30
minutes. Transfer to an airtight freezer bag and return to the
Vegetables should be perfectly ripe for optimum freezing. Blanch
vegetables prior to freezing to set their color and retain their
There are two methods for blanching vegetables:
Steam blanching: Trim the vegetables, removing any excess leaves or
unwanted pieces. Use a bamboo steamer over a pot of boiling water or
a steaming basket and pot. Blanch vegetables and plunge immediately
into an ice bath. Once cool, remove vegetables and spread onto paper
towels to dry.
Water blanching: Prepare the vegetables as described above. Boil a
gallon of unsalted water for every pound of vegetables. Immerse the
vegetables in the water using a mesh basket or blanching basket.
Plunge vegetables into an ice bath to cool. Remove vegetables and
spread onto paper towels to dry.
Portion the vegetables into airtight plastic freezer bags, remove all
air and freeze.
Dairy: Semi-firm to firm cheeses generally freeze well (cheddar,
Swiss, provolone, mozzarella, Parmesan). Cut the cheese into small
portions and wrap it very tightly before placing it in the freezer.
Unsalted butter may be frozen for nine to 12 months; margarine for
five months.
Milk, cream and eggs do not freeze well.
Fresh herbs: There is some debate as to whether herbs should be
blanched before freezing. If blanching, use hearty herbs that are
still on the stalk for best results.
Wash delicate herbs such as basil, dill, chives and tarragon. Pat
them dry on paper towels and freeze in small portions in airtight
freezer bags.
Frozen herbs will darken and become limp when thawed, so add them
directly to food you are cooking.
Thaw all unprepared foods in the refrigerator. If necessary, run
frozen food under cold water or use a microwave oven.
Cold water: Keep the frozen food wrapped and place it either in the
sink or in a deep container. Allow cold water to run over the product
until thawed. Defrosting time will vary.
Microwave oven: Do not defrost any foil-wrapped food in the
microwave. For foods wrapped in plastic wrap, follow microwave
manufacturer's instructions for defrosting.
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