Ada Ice Age 2!!!!
Pengen nonton! Kudu nonton!
Entah kenapa aku sukaaaa banget nonton Ice Age. Waktu itu nonton di PI Mall, abis itu cari2 VCD originalnya, begitu ada langsung beli. hehe.. dan sampe sekarang masih suka ditonton. saingan sama nemo. hihi.. abis lucu bangeeeet.. gemes banget sama si tupai yang ngejar2 biji cemara itu.. sapa namanya ya? lupa..hihi.. biar ga pernah ngomong tapi aksinya itu loh.. hehehe.. udah gitu dialognya juga 'kena' banget tuh, omongan konyol si sid.. dan gambarnya juga bagus..
The Ice Age is coming to an end, and the animals are delighting in the melting paradise that is their new world. Manny, Sid, and Diego quickly learn that the warming climate has one major drawback: a huge glacial dam is about to break, threatening the entire valley. The only chance of survival lies at the other end of the valley. So the three heroes, along with a mammoth named Ellie and her two "brothers" -- possums Crash and Eddie -- embark on a mission across an increasingly dangerous landscape towards their salvation.
Production Status: Awaiting Release
Genres: Comedy, Kids/Family, Animation and Sequel
Release Date: March 31st, 2006 (wide)
MPAA Rating: PG for some mild language and innuendo.
Distributors: 20th Century Fox
1 comment:
wah mar, di sini baru dateng bulan 8 huwa huwa huwa
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