Kayaknya baru kemaren deh nulis ini.. eh udah setaun yang lalu ternyata.. ternyata waktu begitu cepat berlalu. kemaren masih single, sekarang udah punya buntut. kemaren masih dipanggil nama sekarang dipanggil mbak, bahkan ibu. udah tua geuningan yah?!
For 2006, my new year's resolution is have a new job with better benefits. mudah2an kesampaian ya.. hehe..
Selamat tahun baru...
A little bit of my daily life........ A little thought that pop up of my head..
Saturday, December 31, 2005
Friday, December 30, 2005
Jakarta Hari Ini
Jakarta hari ini nyaman banget.
Diawali dengan mendung di pagi hari, yang bikin ga kegerahan.. trus jalan2 yang udah jauh lebih sepi dibanding hari2 kemaren. Bak musim lebaran, tol dalam kota lancar selancar-lancarnya. Berasa deh masuk tol. Biasa perjalanan dari rumah ke kantor 1 1/2 - 2 jam di jalanan yang macet, panas & stressfull, hari ini cuma 45 menit penuh kelancaran, ga ada klakson, ga ada truk, ga ada motor yang ngeselin, ga ada bis melintang & berenti mendadak.. duh pokoknya enak banget.. Ini semua karena udah banyak kantor yang libur taun baru dan liburan anak sekolah..
Coba bisa begini setiap hari, nyaman deh kita tinggal di Jakarta..
Diawali dengan mendung di pagi hari, yang bikin ga kegerahan.. trus jalan2 yang udah jauh lebih sepi dibanding hari2 kemaren. Bak musim lebaran, tol dalam kota lancar selancar-lancarnya. Berasa deh masuk tol. Biasa perjalanan dari rumah ke kantor 1 1/2 - 2 jam di jalanan yang macet, panas & stressfull, hari ini cuma 45 menit penuh kelancaran, ga ada klakson, ga ada truk, ga ada motor yang ngeselin, ga ada bis melintang & berenti mendadak.. duh pokoknya enak banget.. Ini semua karena udah banyak kantor yang libur taun baru dan liburan anak sekolah..
Coba bisa begini setiap hari, nyaman deh kita tinggal di Jakarta..
Thursday, December 29, 2005
Kartono Mohamad
Berkhayal adalah ciri manusia, dan khayalan ada yang dapat dicapai serta ada pula yang tetap tinggal khayalan. Khayalan yang disusun secara sistematik dan diikuti dengan program pragmatis untuk mencapainya, ia menjadi vision, cita-cita yang dapat diraih. Kalau tidak sistematik dan tidak pula dikejar melalui program yang nyata, ia akan tetap jadi khayalan.
Contohnya adalah slogan Indonesia Sehat di tahun 2010, karena tidak diikuti program yang sistematik untuk mencapainya, ia tetap tinggal khayalan. Lebih buruk lagi kalau khayalan itu tidak lagi dianggap sebagai khayalan, tetapi sudah dianggap sebagai kenyataan, maka ia jadi ilusi. Orang yang hidup dalam ilusi akan merasa bahwa khayalannya itu sudah menjadi kenyataan. Seperti Don Quixote dari La Mancha.
Karena sudah dianggap sebagai kenyataan, maka yang dilakukan pengkhayal adalah mempertahankan mati-matian khayalannya itu, atau ia tidak lagi merasa perlu berbuat untuk mencapainya. Si pengkhayal akan menjadi inert dan bahkan cenderung menolak kalau diingatkan bahwa semua itu hanya ilusi. Kalau khayalannya baik, mungkin ia akan merasa berbahagia. Namun, kalau ia berkhayal bahwa dunia sekitarnya itu jahat, ia akan berbuat destruktif karena mengira ia memerangi kejahatan.
Para teroris yang mengebom Bali juga merasa telah berjihad melawan kejahatan meskipun mereka yang mati tidak pernah mengancamnya. Persis seperti Don Quixote, yang merasa telah menjadi pahlawan karena memerangi kincir angin yang dilihatnya sebagai gergasi yang mengancam.
Baru tahap impian
Bangsa kita penuh dengan cita- cita (khayalan), antara lain ingin membangun bangsa yang maju, berdaya saing tinggi, berbudaya unggul, beriman, bertakwa, adil makmur berdasarkan Pancasila. Tidak banyak yang sadar bahwa hal itu baru di tahap impian atau khayalan. Masih perlu dikejar dengan program-program nyata untuk mencapainya.
Banyak pemimpin bangsa yang mengira bahwa kita sudah mencapai cita-cita itu, lalu hidup dalam ilusi. Tidak mau diingatkan bahwa semua itu baru sebatas khayalan. Maka, ketika di tahun 1986 dilaporkan ada AIDS di Indonesia, para pemimpin mengatakan bahwa hal itu tidak mungkin terjadi karena kita adalah bangsa yang beragama dan ber- Pancasila. Akibatnya, ketika itu tidak ada upaya untuk melakukan pencegahan sejak awal. Buat apa mencegah, toh tidak mungkin kita terserang wabah HIV/AIDS? Ilusi itu kini telah buyar ditelan kenyataan.
Kita juga hidup dalam ilusi sebagai bangsa yang kaya raya sehingga para pejabat tanpa malu-malu mengeruk kekayaan negara untuk dirinya sendiri, dengan anggapan kekayaan negara ini tidak akan habis meski ia keruk sebanyak-banyaknya. Negara kita kan gemah ripah loh jinawi, subur kang sarwo tinandur. Lebih menyedihkan lagi karena mereka yang mengeruk kekayaan itu merasa telah berjasa terhadap negara ini sehingga merasa layak untuk mengambil imbal jasa untuk diri dan keluarganya. Seolah-olah tanpa dirinya bangsa dan negara ini sudah tidak ada lagi sejak dulu. Mereka berilusi bahwa mereka adalah pahlawan yang sudah susah payah berjuang untuk rakyat. Mereka itu adalah orang-orang yang sebenarnya sakit jiwa yang hidup dalam ilusi kegagahan dirinya, bak Don Quixote dari La Mancha.
Ilusi yang lain adalah bahwa bangsa kita bangsa yang beragama, beriman, dan bermoral yang terlihat dari banyaknya orang yang melakukan ritus agamanya. Dikatakan ilusi karena dalam kehidupan mereka sehari-hari agama itu nyaris tidak ada jejaknya. Perilaku sehari-hari kita tidak mencerminkan sebagai orang yang beragama. Untuk mengelabui diri bahwa kita benar-benar beragama, maka hal-hal yang dianggap tidak sesuai dengan moral agama tidak boleh tampak dari luar. Boleh dilakukan, tetapi secara diam-diam, seperti korupsi.
Dalam hal kepandaian melakukan korupsi, bangsa ini terkenal di dunia meskipun menyatakan diri sebagai bangsa yang bermoral dan penganut agama yang amanah. Korupsi bahkan dianggap sebagai hak dan dilakukan tanpa perasaan malu atau bersalah. Mereka yang korupsi merasa tindakannya tidak bertentangan dengan moral agama. Para pemimpin berilusi menjadi pemimpin yang amanah karena telah membagikan uang, sembako, dan pengobatan gratis kepada rakyat miskin. Mereka akan marah kalau dikatakan tidak memerhatikan rakyat. Soal busung lapar, wabah penyakit, dan kemiskinan, mereka anggap sebagai kesalahan rakyat. Bukan kesalahan pemimpin.
Bangsa yang bermoral
Pengertian moral pun kemudian dipersempit menjadi hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan seks, syahwat, dan sekitar organ kelamin. Karena itu, tontonan yang dianggap memancing berahi dianggap tak bermoral, sementara korupsi dan membohongi rakyat tak dianggap berkaitan dengan moral dan karena itu tetap dilakukan. Untuk mempertahankan mimpi sebagai bangsa yang bermoral, segala hal yang dapat mengusik keasyikan mimpi itu harus dilarang. Lokalisasi pelacuran dilarang karena itu mengganggu mimpi sebagai bangsa yang bermoral. Bahwa pelacuran tetap berlangsung, sebagian ditutupi dengan "nikah siri", tidak menjadi soal. Selama tak tampak dan tidak terdengar. Kita tetap mimpi sebagai bangsa yang bermoral.
Kita mungkin baru terjaga dari ilusi ketika menyadari bahwa kita bukan benar-benar bangsa yang besar. Kita adalah bangsa yang kerdil karena dalam banyak hal ternyata terpuruk berperingkat di bawah Vietnam yang baru pulih dari peperangan.
Kita mungkin juga baru akan bangun ketika sepertiga anak muda kita mati termakan HIV dan narkoba, seperti yang terjadi di beberapa negara Afrika. Para tokoh agama akan mengatakan bahwa kehancuran kita disebabkan kita kurang beriman dan beragama. Ucapan yang justru membantah anggapan sendiri bahwa kita adalah bangsa yang beragama.
Ketika itu kita baru menyadari bahwa selama ini anggapan bahwa kita bangsa yang besar, bermoral, dan beragama ternyata hanya ilusi belaka. Don Quixote pun kemudian mati dalam kemiskinan.
Kartono Mohamad Mantan Ketua Umum Pengurus Besar Ikatan Dokter Indonesia (PB IDI)
Kartono Mohamad
Berkhayal adalah ciri manusia, dan khayalan ada yang dapat dicapai serta ada pula yang tetap tinggal khayalan. Khayalan yang disusun secara sistematik dan diikuti dengan program pragmatis untuk mencapainya, ia menjadi vision, cita-cita yang dapat diraih. Kalau tidak sistematik dan tidak pula dikejar melalui program yang nyata, ia akan tetap jadi khayalan.
Contohnya adalah slogan Indonesia Sehat di tahun 2010, karena tidak diikuti program yang sistematik untuk mencapainya, ia tetap tinggal khayalan. Lebih buruk lagi kalau khayalan itu tidak lagi dianggap sebagai khayalan, tetapi sudah dianggap sebagai kenyataan, maka ia jadi ilusi. Orang yang hidup dalam ilusi akan merasa bahwa khayalannya itu sudah menjadi kenyataan. Seperti Don Quixote dari La Mancha.
Karena sudah dianggap sebagai kenyataan, maka yang dilakukan pengkhayal adalah mempertahankan mati-matian khayalannya itu, atau ia tidak lagi merasa perlu berbuat untuk mencapainya. Si pengkhayal akan menjadi inert dan bahkan cenderung menolak kalau diingatkan bahwa semua itu hanya ilusi. Kalau khayalannya baik, mungkin ia akan merasa berbahagia. Namun, kalau ia berkhayal bahwa dunia sekitarnya itu jahat, ia akan berbuat destruktif karena mengira ia memerangi kejahatan.
Para teroris yang mengebom Bali juga merasa telah berjihad melawan kejahatan meskipun mereka yang mati tidak pernah mengancamnya. Persis seperti Don Quixote, yang merasa telah menjadi pahlawan karena memerangi kincir angin yang dilihatnya sebagai gergasi yang mengancam.
Baru tahap impian
Bangsa kita penuh dengan cita- cita (khayalan), antara lain ingin membangun bangsa yang maju, berdaya saing tinggi, berbudaya unggul, beriman, bertakwa, adil makmur berdasarkan Pancasila. Tidak banyak yang sadar bahwa hal itu baru di tahap impian atau khayalan. Masih perlu dikejar dengan program-program nyata untuk mencapainya.
Banyak pemimpin bangsa yang mengira bahwa kita sudah mencapai cita-cita itu, lalu hidup dalam ilusi. Tidak mau diingatkan bahwa semua itu baru sebatas khayalan. Maka, ketika di tahun 1986 dilaporkan ada AIDS di Indonesia, para pemimpin mengatakan bahwa hal itu tidak mungkin terjadi karena kita adalah bangsa yang beragama dan ber- Pancasila. Akibatnya, ketika itu tidak ada upaya untuk melakukan pencegahan sejak awal. Buat apa mencegah, toh tidak mungkin kita terserang wabah HIV/AIDS? Ilusi itu kini telah buyar ditelan kenyataan.
Kita juga hidup dalam ilusi sebagai bangsa yang kaya raya sehingga para pejabat tanpa malu-malu mengeruk kekayaan negara untuk dirinya sendiri, dengan anggapan kekayaan negara ini tidak akan habis meski ia keruk sebanyak-banyaknya. Negara kita kan gemah ripah loh jinawi, subur kang sarwo tinandur. Lebih menyedihkan lagi karena mereka yang mengeruk kekayaan itu merasa telah berjasa terhadap negara ini sehingga merasa layak untuk mengambil imbal jasa untuk diri dan keluarganya. Seolah-olah tanpa dirinya bangsa dan negara ini sudah tidak ada lagi sejak dulu. Mereka berilusi bahwa mereka adalah pahlawan yang sudah susah payah berjuang untuk rakyat. Mereka itu adalah orang-orang yang sebenarnya sakit jiwa yang hidup dalam ilusi kegagahan dirinya, bak Don Quixote dari La Mancha.
Ilusi yang lain adalah bahwa bangsa kita bangsa yang beragama, beriman, dan bermoral yang terlihat dari banyaknya orang yang melakukan ritus agamanya. Dikatakan ilusi karena dalam kehidupan mereka sehari-hari agama itu nyaris tidak ada jejaknya. Perilaku sehari-hari kita tidak mencerminkan sebagai orang yang beragama. Untuk mengelabui diri bahwa kita benar-benar beragama, maka hal-hal yang dianggap tidak sesuai dengan moral agama tidak boleh tampak dari luar. Boleh dilakukan, tetapi secara diam-diam, seperti korupsi.
Dalam hal kepandaian melakukan korupsi, bangsa ini terkenal di dunia meskipun menyatakan diri sebagai bangsa yang bermoral dan penganut agama yang amanah. Korupsi bahkan dianggap sebagai hak dan dilakukan tanpa perasaan malu atau bersalah. Mereka yang korupsi merasa tindakannya tidak bertentangan dengan moral agama. Para pemimpin berilusi menjadi pemimpin yang amanah karena telah membagikan uang, sembako, dan pengobatan gratis kepada rakyat miskin. Mereka akan marah kalau dikatakan tidak memerhatikan rakyat. Soal busung lapar, wabah penyakit, dan kemiskinan, mereka anggap sebagai kesalahan rakyat. Bukan kesalahan pemimpin.
Bangsa yang bermoral
Pengertian moral pun kemudian dipersempit menjadi hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan seks, syahwat, dan sekitar organ kelamin. Karena itu, tontonan yang dianggap memancing berahi dianggap tak bermoral, sementara korupsi dan membohongi rakyat tak dianggap berkaitan dengan moral dan karena itu tetap dilakukan. Untuk mempertahankan mimpi sebagai bangsa yang bermoral, segala hal yang dapat mengusik keasyikan mimpi itu harus dilarang. Lokalisasi pelacuran dilarang karena itu mengganggu mimpi sebagai bangsa yang bermoral. Bahwa pelacuran tetap berlangsung, sebagian ditutupi dengan "nikah siri", tidak menjadi soal. Selama tak tampak dan tidak terdengar. Kita tetap mimpi sebagai bangsa yang bermoral.
Kita mungkin baru terjaga dari ilusi ketika menyadari bahwa kita bukan benar-benar bangsa yang besar. Kita adalah bangsa yang kerdil karena dalam banyak hal ternyata terpuruk berperingkat di bawah Vietnam yang baru pulih dari peperangan.
Kita mungkin juga baru akan bangun ketika sepertiga anak muda kita mati termakan HIV dan narkoba, seperti yang terjadi di beberapa negara Afrika. Para tokoh agama akan mengatakan bahwa kehancuran kita disebabkan kita kurang beriman dan beragama. Ucapan yang justru membantah anggapan sendiri bahwa kita adalah bangsa yang beragama.
Ketika itu kita baru menyadari bahwa selama ini anggapan bahwa kita bangsa yang besar, bermoral, dan beragama ternyata hanya ilusi belaka. Don Quixote pun kemudian mati dalam kemiskinan.
Kartono Mohamad Mantan Ketua Umum Pengurus Besar Ikatan Dokter Indonesia (PB IDI)
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
Favourite toy

This cute colorful toy is my sunshine's favourite toy.
Sampe sekarang bener2 deh, kalo digendong pun kalo dia lagi pengen maen, dibawa tuh maenan yang satu ini. Kayaknya sayaaang banget digigit2, dijilat, dipegang2, dipukul2in, dilempar trus berguling lagi buat diambil sendiri.. seru bgt... hehehe..
Terima kasih buat tante2 yang udah ngasih maenan ini...
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
Pagi ini dimulai dengan suatu ketumbenan, si bosku tumben2an menepati janjinya bawain kita2 makanan, ga tanggung2 dia bawa sekeranjang lupis yang uenaaak bgt! hehe... tengkiyu paak..
Monday, December 26, 2005
Susah Pup
Sejak dikasih makanan padet, my sunshine suka susah pup. kasian deh, jadinya ga bisa mimi juga, muntah terus, konon karena perutnya penuh, ga ada yang dikeluarin. ke dokter, ga dikasih obat, cuman disuruh makan PEPAYA! hehe..
Dapet juga artikel ini dari www.babytimes.co.nz, lumayan buat nambah2 pengetahuan ttg susah pup alias konstipasi. cuman disini prune mahal, ada yang murah & banyak & ampuh mengatasi sembelit : PEPAYA! hihi..
Infant Constipation Guide
How to prevent and relieve constipation in your baby
What is Constipation?
Constipation is a delay in the passage of stools leading to distress in the child. Stools or bowel motions are hard and dry, and may be large, or like small pellets. Bowel motions may be less frequent and difficult to pass which may cause some anal bleeding. The size and consistency of stools depend on how much water they hold. Constipation is related more to the consistency of the stools than to frequency of passing a bowel motion.
What are Normal Bowel Habits?
The regularity with which an infant passes stools and colour of stools vary as baby grows. Also, bowel action of every baby is different. The colour of stools varies from yellow or green/yellow to brownish-green/yellow or brown. It is normal to occasionally find white flecks or curds in the bowel motions.
Sometimes the first part of a stool may be hard and more difficult for baby to pass; if the remainder (or the following stool) is wet and soft, this is not constipation. As long as stools are soft and easily passed, and the infant is continuing to grow appropriately, there is generally no need for concern about colour, frequency or smell of the bowel motion.
Why Does Constipation Occur?
Constipation in infants is most often caused by lack of fluid. Insufficient food intake or general underfeeding are also common causes.
Amongst breast fed babies, there is a wide variation in frequency of passing a stool. While one breast fed baby may pass a bowel motion after every feed another may pass a bowel motion once every 7-10 days. It is unusual for a baby who is breast fed on demand, to be constipated.
What to do if your breast fed baby is constipated:
A baby breast-fed on demand, is unlikely to need additional water. However, if constipation occurs, offer cooled boiled water between feeds. If the weather is hot, feed baby more often. Mum should also ensure she also has plenty to drink.
Babies fed formula do tend to have firmer stools. Breast fed babies who receive some formula feeds, can also have firmer stools. This can be of concern to parents especially when they first start introducing formula. Remember, firmer stools do not necessarily mean constipation. Usually all that is required is to ensure fluid intake is adequate.
Formulas are sometimes incorrectly blamed for causing constipation. The iron content of formula will not cause constipation, however, frequent changing of formula type and brands may contribute to constipation.
If your formula fed baby is constipated, first consider these two important factors:
1.Are you making the formula up to the correct dilution? Ensure you are adding the correct number of scoops of powder for the quantity of water. Always pour the water into the bottle first, and then add the powder. When measuring out the powder, don’t pack the powder in the scoop. Don’t tap the filled scoop in any way (e.g. against the tin or with a knife) before you level it. Never heap powder in scoops.
2.Is your baby is getting enough fluid?
Add up the total volume of formula your baby is drinking in 24 hours. Is it enough? Check this against the guideline given on the formula packaging, or ask a health professional who will calculate daily total fluid requirements according to your baby’s age and weight. Remember that babies need more fluid in hot weather.
What to do if your formula fed baby is constipated:
·If adequate fluid is being given and formula is being prepared correctly, yet constipation persists, offer small amounts (30-50ml) of cooled, boiled water between feeds.
·As a temporary measure, add 1 teaspoon of brown sugar to a feed. Or, mix ½ teaspoon of brown sugar with 50ml boiled water and offer between feeds.
·Babies over 3 months age may also be offered prune juice diluted with water. Give baby 1 teaspoon of prune juice mixed with 1 - 2 tablespoons cooled, boiled water once a day. Discontinue sugar/ water or prune juice once regular bowel habit has resumed.
·Do not add prune juice or kiwifruit juice to feeds for infants under 3 months of age, as your baby is too young to tolerate fruit juice.
To Make Prune Juice:
In a small saucepan, bring to the boil 1 cup water with 4 - 5 moist, stoneless prunes. Cover and simmer for about 10 minutes or until prunes are very soft. Rub through a clean, fine sieve. Discard pulp in sieve. Reheat prune juice to the boil, tip into a sterilised container, cover and refrigerate. Use within 2 days. Or cool then pour juice into a plastic ice ‘cube’ making bag and freeze.
When solids are introduced you may see a change in both the frequency and appearance of your baby’s stools. Often a particular food is incorrectly identified as the cause of constipation at this stage.
Taking the following steps may help:
·When first introducing solids, give food after the milk feed. This helps ensure baby receives enough fluid first
·Introduce solids gradually over time, offering only small quantities initially (1-2 teaspoons)
·Include fruit and vegetable purees. Try adding fruit puree to your baby’s usual cereal
·Ensure baby is receiving adequate fluid
·If baby is still constipated during this stage, try offering diluted juice such as apple (15ml or 1 tablespoon juice to 50ml water) between milk feeds. Do not give sweet drinks on a regular basis as they may damage baby’s developing teeth. And you do not want to encourage a preference for sweet drinks
TODDLERS (walking, 12 months +)
Constipation in toddlers and young children may be due to:
·An inadequate intake of fluid
·Filling up on large amounts of milk or excessive intake of sweet juice, which depresses appetite for foods containing fibre
·Insufficient dietary fibre due to dislike of cereals or fruits and vegetables
·Poor or picky eating habits
·Irregular mealtimes
·Embarrassment or fear of going to the toilet
To Help Prevent and Treat Constipation in Toddlers:
1. Ensure a good intake of fluid:
·At 12 months of age aim for a minimum 500-600ml of milk or formula a day, plus water as needed. For example, a one year-old weighing 10kg would need about 900-1000ml of fluid a day in total (i.e. including water or milk in ‘solid’ foods). Try to establish drinking water as a habit. If at first water is refused, persevere; continue to offer water regularly.
·The suggested fluid intake in millilitres per kg of body weight per day for children 1-3 years is 90-1000ml/kg/day.
·Unsweetened fruit juice is a suitable fluid but must be well diluted and preferably given at mealtimes to prevent damage to young teeth. Give diluted fruit juice from a cup in preference to a bottle.
2. Gradually increase the amount of fibre-containing foods in your child’s diet:
·Dietary fibre is found in plants. It helps to produce softer, bulkier bowel motions thus preventing constipation.
·The recommended daily intake (RDI) for adults is between 25 to 30 grams of dietary fibre. Young children need moderate amounts of fibre only.There are no RDI’s for children under 2 years but it is recommended that during the second six months of life, dietary fibre intake should gradually be increased to 5 grams per day.
·For children 2 years and over, daily fibre intake should ideally fall within a range calculated from child’s age plus 5 grams as a minimum, and age plus 10 grams as maximum. Thus a 3 year-old should have from 8 to 13 grams of dietary fibre a day.
·Too much fibre will fill up a small stomach, thus reduce appetite, total energy and nutrient intake.Excess fibre can also cause abdominal discomfort and flatulence, and also interfere with absorption of minerals such as iron, zinc and calcium.
·Increase fibre consumption by encouraging intake of more fruit and vegetables, and medium-fibre breakfast cereals such as Weet-bix®, wholemeal bread or high-fibre white bread.
·Avoid giving raw wheat bran (baking bran), oat bran or ‘adult’ wheat bran breakfast cereals that are very high-fibre (e.g. cereals with 25-34 grams of dietary fibre per 100 grams).
·It is important to ensure a toddler has plenty to drink as more fibre-rich foods are eaten, otherwise constipation can result. Water and milk are the most suitable fluids. Avoid giving milk just before meals.
·Toddlers have small stomachs and need to be offered regular meals and snacks. It is important to encourage a variety of foods
Ideas for Nutritious Fibre-Rich Snacks for Toddlers:
·Small sandwiches made with wholegrain, wholemeal or high-fibre white bread, filled with meat, egg or cheese. (Coarse, whole-grainy breads with seeds can cause choking so delay introducing until 3 years of age.)
·‘Mouse traps’ - wholemeal or high-fibre white bread topped with yeast extract and grated cheese, grilled or baked to melt.
·Small pieces of fresh or dried fruit, or canned fruit in natural juice.
·Add fresh fruit to yoghurt, custard or ice cream.
·Fruit ‘smoothie’ made with Karicare Toddler Milk (contains inulin, a dietary fibre).
·Small jacket potato with filling.
·Creamed corn on toast.
·Softened (lightly steamed) vegetable sticks with dips.
·Baked beans on toast.
Dapet juga artikel ini dari www.babytimes.co.nz, lumayan buat nambah2 pengetahuan ttg susah pup alias konstipasi. cuman disini prune mahal, ada yang murah & banyak & ampuh mengatasi sembelit : PEPAYA! hihi..
Infant Constipation Guide
How to prevent and relieve constipation in your baby
What is Constipation?
Constipation is a delay in the passage of stools leading to distress in the child. Stools or bowel motions are hard and dry, and may be large, or like small pellets. Bowel motions may be less frequent and difficult to pass which may cause some anal bleeding. The size and consistency of stools depend on how much water they hold. Constipation is related more to the consistency of the stools than to frequency of passing a bowel motion.
What are Normal Bowel Habits?
The regularity with which an infant passes stools and colour of stools vary as baby grows. Also, bowel action of every baby is different. The colour of stools varies from yellow or green/yellow to brownish-green/yellow or brown. It is normal to occasionally find white flecks or curds in the bowel motions.
Sometimes the first part of a stool may be hard and more difficult for baby to pass; if the remainder (or the following stool) is wet and soft, this is not constipation. As long as stools are soft and easily passed, and the infant is continuing to grow appropriately, there is generally no need for concern about colour, frequency or smell of the bowel motion.
Why Does Constipation Occur?
Constipation in infants is most often caused by lack of fluid. Insufficient food intake or general underfeeding are also common causes.
Amongst breast fed babies, there is a wide variation in frequency of passing a stool. While one breast fed baby may pass a bowel motion after every feed another may pass a bowel motion once every 7-10 days. It is unusual for a baby who is breast fed on demand, to be constipated.
What to do if your breast fed baby is constipated:
A baby breast-fed on demand, is unlikely to need additional water. However, if constipation occurs, offer cooled boiled water between feeds. If the weather is hot, feed baby more often. Mum should also ensure she also has plenty to drink.
Babies fed formula do tend to have firmer stools. Breast fed babies who receive some formula feeds, can also have firmer stools. This can be of concern to parents especially when they first start introducing formula. Remember, firmer stools do not necessarily mean constipation. Usually all that is required is to ensure fluid intake is adequate.
Formulas are sometimes incorrectly blamed for causing constipation. The iron content of formula will not cause constipation, however, frequent changing of formula type and brands may contribute to constipation.
If your formula fed baby is constipated, first consider these two important factors:
1.Are you making the formula up to the correct dilution? Ensure you are adding the correct number of scoops of powder for the quantity of water. Always pour the water into the bottle first, and then add the powder. When measuring out the powder, don’t pack the powder in the scoop. Don’t tap the filled scoop in any way (e.g. against the tin or with a knife) before you level it. Never heap powder in scoops.
2.Is your baby is getting enough fluid?
Add up the total volume of formula your baby is drinking in 24 hours. Is it enough? Check this against the guideline given on the formula packaging, or ask a health professional who will calculate daily total fluid requirements according to your baby’s age and weight. Remember that babies need more fluid in hot weather.
What to do if your formula fed baby is constipated:
·If adequate fluid is being given and formula is being prepared correctly, yet constipation persists, offer small amounts (30-50ml) of cooled, boiled water between feeds.
·As a temporary measure, add 1 teaspoon of brown sugar to a feed. Or, mix ½ teaspoon of brown sugar with 50ml boiled water and offer between feeds.
·Babies over 3 months age may also be offered prune juice diluted with water. Give baby 1 teaspoon of prune juice mixed with 1 - 2 tablespoons cooled, boiled water once a day. Discontinue sugar/ water or prune juice once regular bowel habit has resumed.
·Do not add prune juice or kiwifruit juice to feeds for infants under 3 months of age, as your baby is too young to tolerate fruit juice.
To Make Prune Juice:
In a small saucepan, bring to the boil 1 cup water with 4 - 5 moist, stoneless prunes. Cover and simmer for about 10 minutes or until prunes are very soft. Rub through a clean, fine sieve. Discard pulp in sieve. Reheat prune juice to the boil, tip into a sterilised container, cover and refrigerate. Use within 2 days. Or cool then pour juice into a plastic ice ‘cube’ making bag and freeze.
When solids are introduced you may see a change in both the frequency and appearance of your baby’s stools. Often a particular food is incorrectly identified as the cause of constipation at this stage.
Taking the following steps may help:
·When first introducing solids, give food after the milk feed. This helps ensure baby receives enough fluid first
·Introduce solids gradually over time, offering only small quantities initially (1-2 teaspoons)
·Include fruit and vegetable purees. Try adding fruit puree to your baby’s usual cereal
·Ensure baby is receiving adequate fluid
·If baby is still constipated during this stage, try offering diluted juice such as apple (15ml or 1 tablespoon juice to 50ml water) between milk feeds. Do not give sweet drinks on a regular basis as they may damage baby’s developing teeth. And you do not want to encourage a preference for sweet drinks
TODDLERS (walking, 12 months +)
Constipation in toddlers and young children may be due to:
·An inadequate intake of fluid
·Filling up on large amounts of milk or excessive intake of sweet juice, which depresses appetite for foods containing fibre
·Insufficient dietary fibre due to dislike of cereals or fruits and vegetables
·Poor or picky eating habits
·Irregular mealtimes
·Embarrassment or fear of going to the toilet
To Help Prevent and Treat Constipation in Toddlers:
1. Ensure a good intake of fluid:
·At 12 months of age aim for a minimum 500-600ml of milk or formula a day, plus water as needed. For example, a one year-old weighing 10kg would need about 900-1000ml of fluid a day in total (i.e. including water or milk in ‘solid’ foods). Try to establish drinking water as a habit. If at first water is refused, persevere; continue to offer water regularly.
·The suggested fluid intake in millilitres per kg of body weight per day for children 1-3 years is 90-1000ml/kg/day.
·Unsweetened fruit juice is a suitable fluid but must be well diluted and preferably given at mealtimes to prevent damage to young teeth. Give diluted fruit juice from a cup in preference to a bottle.
2. Gradually increase the amount of fibre-containing foods in your child’s diet:
·Dietary fibre is found in plants. It helps to produce softer, bulkier bowel motions thus preventing constipation.
·The recommended daily intake (RDI) for adults is between 25 to 30 grams of dietary fibre. Young children need moderate amounts of fibre only.There are no RDI’s for children under 2 years but it is recommended that during the second six months of life, dietary fibre intake should gradually be increased to 5 grams per day.
·For children 2 years and over, daily fibre intake should ideally fall within a range calculated from child’s age plus 5 grams as a minimum, and age plus 10 grams as maximum. Thus a 3 year-old should have from 8 to 13 grams of dietary fibre a day.
·Too much fibre will fill up a small stomach, thus reduce appetite, total energy and nutrient intake.Excess fibre can also cause abdominal discomfort and flatulence, and also interfere with absorption of minerals such as iron, zinc and calcium.
·Increase fibre consumption by encouraging intake of more fruit and vegetables, and medium-fibre breakfast cereals such as Weet-bix®, wholemeal bread or high-fibre white bread.
·Avoid giving raw wheat bran (baking bran), oat bran or ‘adult’ wheat bran breakfast cereals that are very high-fibre (e.g. cereals with 25-34 grams of dietary fibre per 100 grams).
·It is important to ensure a toddler has plenty to drink as more fibre-rich foods are eaten, otherwise constipation can result. Water and milk are the most suitable fluids. Avoid giving milk just before meals.
·Toddlers have small stomachs and need to be offered regular meals and snacks. It is important to encourage a variety of foods
Ideas for Nutritious Fibre-Rich Snacks for Toddlers:
·Small sandwiches made with wholegrain, wholemeal or high-fibre white bread, filled with meat, egg or cheese. (Coarse, whole-grainy breads with seeds can cause choking so delay introducing until 3 years of age.)
·‘Mouse traps’ - wholemeal or high-fibre white bread topped with yeast extract and grated cheese, grilled or baked to melt.
·Small pieces of fresh or dried fruit, or canned fruit in natural juice.
·Add fresh fruit to yoghurt, custard or ice cream.
·Fruit ‘smoothie’ made with Karicare Toddler Milk (contains inulin, a dietary fibre).
·Small jacket potato with filling.
·Creamed corn on toast.
·Softened (lightly steamed) vegetable sticks with dips.
·Baked beans on toast.
Friday, December 16, 2005
Waaah.. abis makan asinan betawi, enak, seger jadi melek tapi puedeeesss... hah hah hah... sampe ingusan gini..
Thursday, December 15, 2005
Kirain model lelaki yang jadi suami pembohong itu cuman sinetron doang.. kirain semua perempuan2 udah tau dia diboongin ato engga.. ternyata engga juga .. ternyata hari gini masih ada istri yang diboongin mentah2 sama suaminya, ditelen pula.. duh ...
Seseorang yang aku kenal hobi bgt maen bilyar bak seorang bujangan yang kos di jakarta tanpa tanggungan apa2, tiap hari pulang kantor dia ngepos disono ampe lewat tengah malem baru pulang.. dan dia ngakunya sama istrinya kalo dia banyak kerjaan banget.. dan istrinya percaya 100%! men! ga logis banget ya?! perusahaan apa yang mempekerjakan seseorang hingga larut malam setiap hari + saptu masuk + minggu kadang masuk pula..?! Lucunya si istri ini juga kerja. coba?! entah bodo entah ga mau percaya kalo suaminya tukang boong...
Si perempuan ini cerita sama aku kalo dia sedih suaminya pulang malem tiap hari karena banyak kerjaan, dia mengeluh sekaligus bangga bahwa si bos cuma percaya sama suaminya tersayang untuk mengerjakan yang susah2 dan memakan waktu banyak untuk menyelesaikannya... whew, what can i say to her? mosok aku ceritain kalo suaminya itu tukang dugem, suka berbangga hati kalo di telpon & di sms cewe, dan dengan bangga cerita berhasil deket bgt sama waiter bilyar itu? dan bahwa kerjaannya ga sebanyak & sepenting itu? karena konon ada yang pernah kasih tau dia, dan si perempuan ini menolak mentah2, dan keukeuh memegang teguh omongan suaminya tentang kerja rodi itu..
Kasian banget perempuan ini, punya suami yang ga bertanggung jawab banget, ga heran kalo anaknya bandel2 semua wong ga kenal bapaknya...
Duh moga2 kejadian ini ga dialamin sama orang2 yang dekat denganku..
Seseorang yang aku kenal hobi bgt maen bilyar bak seorang bujangan yang kos di jakarta tanpa tanggungan apa2, tiap hari pulang kantor dia ngepos disono ampe lewat tengah malem baru pulang.. dan dia ngakunya sama istrinya kalo dia banyak kerjaan banget.. dan istrinya percaya 100%! men! ga logis banget ya?! perusahaan apa yang mempekerjakan seseorang hingga larut malam setiap hari + saptu masuk + minggu kadang masuk pula..?! Lucunya si istri ini juga kerja. coba?! entah bodo entah ga mau percaya kalo suaminya tukang boong...
Si perempuan ini cerita sama aku kalo dia sedih suaminya pulang malem tiap hari karena banyak kerjaan, dia mengeluh sekaligus bangga bahwa si bos cuma percaya sama suaminya tersayang untuk mengerjakan yang susah2 dan memakan waktu banyak untuk menyelesaikannya... whew, what can i say to her? mosok aku ceritain kalo suaminya itu tukang dugem, suka berbangga hati kalo di telpon & di sms cewe, dan dengan bangga cerita berhasil deket bgt sama waiter bilyar itu? dan bahwa kerjaannya ga sebanyak & sepenting itu? karena konon ada yang pernah kasih tau dia, dan si perempuan ini menolak mentah2, dan keukeuh memegang teguh omongan suaminya tentang kerja rodi itu..
Kasian banget perempuan ini, punya suami yang ga bertanggung jawab banget, ga heran kalo anaknya bandel2 semua wong ga kenal bapaknya...
Duh moga2 kejadian ini ga dialamin sama orang2 yang dekat denganku..
Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Hari minggu kemaren merupakan hari yang bersejarah, karena untuk pertama kalinya my sunshine makan!! horee.. hehe.. tadinya mau nunggu 6 bulan, sesuai anjuran si who & aap.. tapi kata dokternya udah boleh kok karena dia sehat dan emang udah kepingin makan.. emang dia udah menunjukkan tanda2 yang kata litelatur udah siap makan itu.
Dibikinin bubur susu deh.. sekalian ngetes, sebenernya dia alergi susu sapi ato engga. Menurut litelatur, konon bayi yang pertama kali dikasih makan itu reaksinya beragam, tapi seringnya ga mau makan. Kalo dia ga mau makan, di stop dulu, tunggu sampe bbrp hari, baru coba lagi. begitu seterusnya.
Udah siap2 nih.. siap2 dia ga mau makan..
Ternyata.. oooh.. doyan bgt! sendoknya belum sampe mulut aja dia udah mangap. abis deh satu porsi perkenalan.. ckckckck.. duhduhduuuuuh.. pinter bgt siiiih... sampe terharu biru deh..
I love you my baby..
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
Working Mothers
In the United States today, more than half of mothers with young children work, compared to 30 percent in the 1970s. Working mothers are the rule rather than the exception. Women have been moving into the workforce not only for career satisfaction but because they and their families need the income. More than one-fourth of all children live in single-parent homes, with their mothers providing most of their support. About 80 percent of married working women have husbands who earn less than $30,000 a year. For the children in many of these families, the alternative to a working mother is poverty.
In some families, mothers continue to work because they have careers that they have spent years developing. Most employers in this country are not sympathetic to working mothers who wish to take time off to be with their young children. If these women stop working, even for a year or two, they may give up some of the advantages they have earned or risk losing certain career opportunities.
Effects of Working Mothers
Some people still think that a "good mother" is one who gives up work to stay home with her children. However, there is no scientific evidence that says children are harmed when their mothers work. A child's development is more influenced by the amount of stress in the family, how the family feels about the mother's working and the quality of child care. A child who is emotionally well adjusted, well loved, and well cared for will thrive regardless of whether the mother works outside the home.
A mother who successfully manages both an outside job and parenthood is an excellent role model for her child. Children of working mothers often grow to be independent, responsible and achievement-oriented adults. In most families with working mothers, each person plays a more active role in the household. The children tend to look after one another and help in other ways. The father helps with household chores and child rearing, as well as breadwinning. This brings him much closer to the children and often makes him more emotionally supportive of his wife's efforts than he otherwise might be. These positive outcomes are most likely when the parent feels valued and supported by family, friends and co-workers.
Working Mothers and Family Relationships
Family relationships may suffer if both parents want to work but only one has a job. Problems also can occur if there is competition or resentment because one parent is earning more money than the other. Such conflicts can strain the marriage, and may make the children feel threatened and insecure. With both parents working, the need for mutual support and communication is even more important.
Problems can arise if a woman does not want to work or if her husband does not want her to work. If a woman works because she needs the money, she may have to take a job that she does not like. In that case, she needs to be careful not to bring her frustration and unhappiness home, where it will spill over into family relationships. The message the children may receive in this situation is that work is unpleasant and damages, instead of builds, self-esteem.
Even when there are no problems; however, a two-career family has to deal with issues that do not come up in other families. Parents may feel so divided between family and career that they have little time for a social life or each other. Both parents should share household and child-care responsibilities so that one will not end up doing most of the work and feeling resentful. Parents will lose nine to 12 work days per year due to the need to tend to a sick child, to care for their child when child-care arrangements have broken down or to take their child to necessary appointments.
source: www.aap.org
In some families, mothers continue to work because they have careers that they have spent years developing. Most employers in this country are not sympathetic to working mothers who wish to take time off to be with their young children. If these women stop working, even for a year or two, they may give up some of the advantages they have earned or risk losing certain career opportunities.
Effects of Working Mothers
Some people still think that a "good mother" is one who gives up work to stay home with her children. However, there is no scientific evidence that says children are harmed when their mothers work. A child's development is more influenced by the amount of stress in the family, how the family feels about the mother's working and the quality of child care. A child who is emotionally well adjusted, well loved, and well cared for will thrive regardless of whether the mother works outside the home.
A mother who successfully manages both an outside job and parenthood is an excellent role model for her child. Children of working mothers often grow to be independent, responsible and achievement-oriented adults. In most families with working mothers, each person plays a more active role in the household. The children tend to look after one another and help in other ways. The father helps with household chores and child rearing, as well as breadwinning. This brings him much closer to the children and often makes him more emotionally supportive of his wife's efforts than he otherwise might be. These positive outcomes are most likely when the parent feels valued and supported by family, friends and co-workers.
Working Mothers and Family Relationships
Family relationships may suffer if both parents want to work but only one has a job. Problems also can occur if there is competition or resentment because one parent is earning more money than the other. Such conflicts can strain the marriage, and may make the children feel threatened and insecure. With both parents working, the need for mutual support and communication is even more important.
Problems can arise if a woman does not want to work or if her husband does not want her to work. If a woman works because she needs the money, she may have to take a job that she does not like. In that case, she needs to be careful not to bring her frustration and unhappiness home, where it will spill over into family relationships. The message the children may receive in this situation is that work is unpleasant and damages, instead of builds, self-esteem.
Even when there are no problems; however, a two-career family has to deal with issues that do not come up in other families. Parents may feel so divided between family and career that they have little time for a social life or each other. Both parents should share household and child-care responsibilities so that one will not end up doing most of the work and feeling resentful. Parents will lose nine to 12 work days per year due to the need to tend to a sick child, to care for their child when child-care arrangements have broken down or to take their child to necessary appointments.
source: www.aap.org
Monday, December 05, 2005
Beberapa hari ini bos ku yang lagi estrus itu sering bgt ngomel2, ngomel sama anak buahnya sendiri ato sama anak buah orang laen, pernah juga sama si big boss.. hihi.. dasar ga tau diri!
Yang bikin aku kesel, dalam omelannya seringkali tercetus kata "dispute". harus begini kalo ga nanti dispute. harus didiskusikan dulu nanti dispute. harus begitu, kalo begini dispute. dan seterusnya.. bosen ga sih dengernya, dispute melulu.. sekali lagi ngomong dispute aku diskualifikasi juga dia! sebel.. dismiss pak!
Yang bikin aku kesel, dalam omelannya seringkali tercetus kata "dispute". harus begini kalo ga nanti dispute. harus didiskusikan dulu nanti dispute. harus begitu, kalo begini dispute. dan seterusnya.. bosen ga sih dengernya, dispute melulu.. sekali lagi ngomong dispute aku diskualifikasi juga dia! sebel.. dismiss pak!
Friday, December 02, 2005
Abis baca blog temen baek ku yang cerita kalo dia 'kasuat-suat'.. hihi.. bahasanya itu loh..
udah lama bgt kayaknya aku ga pake istilah itu, padahal susah bgt loh cari istilah sejenis yang tepat buat menggantikan kata "kasuat-suat" itu.. apa ya bahasa indonesia/betawi/gaulnya? susah tuh dicari padanannya..
aku ga pernah pake lagi, karna disini kalo aku ngomong gitu ga kan ada yang ngerti, pan sama aja boong.. hehe..
Ada lagi istilah laen yang udah diujung mulut, udah tinggal keluar aja & istilah yang paaaas bgt dan susah juga cari padanan katanya : "estrus" hehe.. ga ada yang ngerti disini kalo aku ngomong gitu. padahal pas bgt tuh buat menjelaskan perilaku bosku yang uring2an.. hihihi...
jadi kangen sama teman-temanku...
udah lama bgt kayaknya aku ga pake istilah itu, padahal susah bgt loh cari istilah sejenis yang tepat buat menggantikan kata "kasuat-suat" itu.. apa ya bahasa indonesia/betawi/gaulnya? susah tuh dicari padanannya..
aku ga pernah pake lagi, karna disini kalo aku ngomong gitu ga kan ada yang ngerti, pan sama aja boong.. hehe..
Ada lagi istilah laen yang udah diujung mulut, udah tinggal keluar aja & istilah yang paaaas bgt dan susah juga cari padanan katanya : "estrus" hehe.. ga ada yang ngerti disini kalo aku ngomong gitu. padahal pas bgt tuh buat menjelaskan perilaku bosku yang uring2an.. hihihi...
jadi kangen sama teman-temanku...
Thursday, December 01, 2005
Site AAP
Beberapa hari ini rajin bgt buka sitenya aap(american academy of pediatrics). abis info2nya itu loh, dari imunisasi sampe perkembangan bayi, dari autisme sampe flu burung.. mana dibikinnya komprehensif buat orang awam yang ga ngerti bahasa kedokteran model diriku ini..
Udah gitu ada brosur2 & leaflet yang dibikin buat anak2, bagus bgt. kan mereka jadi ngerti kenapa harus di vaksinasi, kenapa harus cuci tangan, kenapa harus makan yang sehat.. dll dll..
Trus lagi, site ini nyambung ke site nya departemen kesehatan amrik & who. jadi lebih banyak lagi info2 ttg kesehatan yang bisa kita dapetin.. puas bgt dah.
Kenapa depkes ga bikin model gitu juga ya? apa aku ga tau?
Udah gitu ada brosur2 & leaflet yang dibikin buat anak2, bagus bgt. kan mereka jadi ngerti kenapa harus di vaksinasi, kenapa harus cuci tangan, kenapa harus makan yang sehat.. dll dll..
Trus lagi, site ini nyambung ke site nya departemen kesehatan amrik & who. jadi lebih banyak lagi info2 ttg kesehatan yang bisa kita dapetin.. puas bgt dah.
Kenapa depkes ga bikin model gitu juga ya? apa aku ga tau?
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