Sunday, August 22, 2010

How to cope with... FRUSTRATION!

Everytime i facing big day such as birthday and Hari Raya, i become deeply apprehensive about what will happen to me that make me frustration. Dont know why, maybe there is curse on me.
and so... now i try to cope with the sadness, anger, devastation, dissapointment, and frustration.
I think i know why some people addicted to drugs or even commit suicide. Those things will blow the frustration away...

Thank God, I still have a healthy mind, no such things even across my mind.

But I wonder how good to be a psycopath is. According to dictionary, a psychopath is someone who has serious mental problems and who may act in a violent way without feeling sorry for what they have done. Well, at least they can manipulate and take a vengeance, and fell good in return.. mmmm... that what i saw in one episode of House..
But I'm not a psycopath, as mention earlier, I have a healthy mind and brain...

Maybe I just addicted to frustation.
Or maybe it just me who lame, weak and pathetic..
Then, I have to cope with it...
For how long?


Me said...

emangnya kenapa mar kalo lebaran pake frustasi segala

Chommar said...

yah begitu deh piet, dari mulai urusan ga ada pembantu, macet dikala mudik dll dll. setres dah..