Tuesday, July 31, 2007


sick of the office politics...
just know that i am a victim of it..
stab stab stab...

Monday, July 16, 2007


just received a memo informing that i should attend a meeting in Bali for 3 days, followed by company's gathering for another 3 days. all are free of charges, even get some spending money...
yes, i sure wanna go to Bali
i was green with envy when my hubb's office appointed him to go there for 3 days.....
but now?
i just wanna have some more time with my baby, my sunshine, my love of my life...
and thinking that i would be far away from her for a week make me feel blue... huhuhuhu...

why now?
why me?
and i hear the voice again : "This is what u want. I give u what u want."
oh my Lord... thank you...
be gratefull... be gratefull.. be gratefull..

Tuesday, July 10, 2007


My boss is a respected-old-smart-man. Therefore, he need to be respected by all of his staff, including me. We have to behave very good, as he is a kind of "orang yang susah cocok sama orang".

And one sunday afternoon.... my baby played with my cell phone, pretend to be mama whose calling her friend.. "allooooooo...." she said.. i saw the lcd, and gosh, she called my boss!!!!!!
so i took out the phone and end the call. fyuh... (untung belun nyambung tu telpon).

2 minutes later, my phone ring.. my boss! "d u called me? is there anything urgent?"


There are about hundred numbers in my cell phone, why my baby pick the wrong one????

Tuesday, July 03, 2007


Is this what u want? I already gave u what u want, and now u complaint????
ugh.. maybe that what The Lord would say to me...
im so sorry my Lord.. i'd try harder n hold all my complaints... dont wanna be the ungratefull one...

Monday, July 02, 2007

Etos Kerja

Ternyata emang etos kerja orang indo mah payah yaaaa???
gimana mau maju negara ini???
hihihihi... sok bgt diriku, sok etos kerjanya bagus...
gara2 gedek bgt sama orang2 disini, yang modelnya indonesia sekali...
yang mulutnya manis itu yang disukai..
makin manis makin disuka...
makin manis makin keliatan boongnya..
dimana2 yang keterlaluan itu ga bagus. termasuk terlalu manis.. giung kata orang sunda mah..
orang ga dinilai dari kerjanya.
tapi dari kemanisannya.
dari seringnya dia setor muka (dan setor yang lainnya)
kerja ga ngeliat generalnya gimana.. cuman liat satu sisi aja..
sebage orang yang ngeliat keseluruhan, miris bgt rasanya...
jadi males...
ternyata sejelek-jeleknya expat, etos kerjanya masih lebih bagus, dan karna dari atasnya udah bagus jadi nular sampe ke bawah juga bagus....
yah, nobody's perfect
and there's no perfect company in the world...
seperti biasa: mungkin ada misi yang harus aku selesaikan disini sebelum bisa pindah ke tempat lain yang lebih bagus. mungkin emang jalannya gitu, kudu ngerasain yang 'keterlaluan' model gini.. (belum pernah kan? makanya gua kasih.. gitu kali kira-kira Tuhan berkata ya.. hehe.. )
jadi, tetap semangat!!!!!