Thursday, August 29, 2013

Being beautiful

im not a sexist nor a feminist whatsoever...
i've been tough to believe that the value of a person is due to the person's attitude and brain, disregard the looks. period.

but then.. years after years being a working woman...
makes me realize that its not 100% true.
a beautiful person, whether a 'she' or 'he' always got more value than the average ones.. so it will be the appearace first, then later the attitude and the brain...
well, perhaps its only happen in this company.... hopefully...

honestly, yes, i prefer to deal and working with a neat and good looking yet smart person... but it's too much to ask, ist it?

Tuesday, August 13, 2013


Acara TV kabel membosankan, akhirnya pindah dari channel ke channel.. nemu acara musik dari tv lokal, judul acaranya Retro. berarti musik tempo dulu gitu kan..
presenternya masih abege, dia komentarin vidio klip yang bakal dia tayangin adalah vidio klip jadul, pan sesuai dengan judul acaranya : Retro.
jreng jreng...
muncullah vidio klip- vidio klip yang sering aku tonton jaman2 kuliah dulu di MTV dengan vj mike casem... oalaaah... udah masuk kategori retro???
retro itu bukannya taun 50-60 an ya?
sekarang taun 90 an sudah masuk kategori retro???
keterlaluan... *masih ga terima*
ternyata aku sudah tuaaaaaaaa......

Friday, June 07, 2013


have been thru this...
heard, listened, n then watch..
as a mommy of a beautiful daughter, i have to admit that i have to reiterate my pray : Tuhan, jauhkanlah anakku dari lelaki2 brengsek sepanjang hidupnya... Amiiin....